The song is pretty clear on that point, isn't it? And while it's a delightful song and a lovely sentiment it doesn't seem so accurate from where I'm standing; I'm still without full-time paid employment and dependent on the charity of friends and family for my day-to-day existence. On the other hand the weather, even here in London, is pretty glorious and nature is in full bloom all around us, making life more pleasant.
This particular post will major on the beauty that surrounds us every day, whether in town or in the countryside, and on the fact that we should not let atrocities, unpleasantness and hate blind us to this.

The mayor of London Sadiq Khan (no, I did not support his candidacy, but am so far pleasantly surprised by his dignity and authority, as well as by his refusal to bow to populist tactics) has been clear that London remains open and welcoming to all. And he means all, despite attempts by weird, inadequate individuals trying to instill hate and prejudice; the mantra of hate, whatever part of the spectrum it manifests itself is both alien to and unwelcome in London. Tolerance rules and life continues, struggling in the shadow of the Grenfell Tower tragedy for sure with all the loss and sorrow that entails. Yet the summer weather makes every day seem precious, alive, even more enjoyable, even in the shadow of death.

The other day I was lucky enough to spend a few hours by the river Thames in an amazingly relaxed and beautiful setting, more like a country village than London, peaceful and calm, a million miles from hectic city life. Admittedly this peaceful oasis is in a rather expensive part of town, but there are other similar places to be found in less exalted areas; they are one of the reasons that London, despite being one of the world's mega-cities, is known as a collection of villages with intense local colour and feel.

Don't think that London alone carries the banner of beauty this summer, though obviously it is the most inclusive of all the places shown in my photographs. Let us share this beauty and ignore the hatred and bigotry all around us. Let us enjoy the beauty to soften the pain of tragedy and to build hope and dreams for a better future.

Part of what I adore about the summer in Britain is that everything is green and bountiful. In the part of the world where (Greece, if you must know) I was born summer is brutal and nature ends up parched and needy under unforgiving sunny skies, something I also love if I can have access to the cooling Aegean sea. But the smells and the feeling is so different, though glorious. No wonder I was born on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini, schizophrenic but forceful, with strong opinions.
The other thing I adore is the eccentricity, perhaps even more visible in the summering the form of strange blazers, funny hats and VERY individual dresses, formal or otherwise. It is this individuality that sets London (and Britain) apart from the rest of the world in a good sense (unlike Brexit), that spurs on creativity, that makes this place the intellectual powder keg that it is, punching above its weight.
This is my dedication to my adopted home city, my adopted homeland, the beautiful, eccentric, bountiful, creative, individual Britain. Thank you for the affection, the beauty, the inspiration, the friendship! Enjoy the photographs as much as I enjoyed taking them and being part of the magic of a rare hot British summer.
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