It had to happen sooner or later... There are certain things in life that get me really wound up, that I actually dislike intensely; I feel that now is the time to make you aware of them, before our relationship gets too cosy. But this is not a finite list so I'm preparing a first installment for now and see how we go from there. And, incidentally, you may contribute to this with your pet hates should you so wish and I can do a post featuring them semi-anonymously at a future point. Life is a participation sport, after all.
In no particular order my pet hates (the first few anyway, more where these came from...) are:
Rude and/or inconsiderate people
The easiest thing in the world is for us to take into account others and behave accordingly. Mankind has developed all sorts of systems to enable us all to co-exist in cramped and crowded cities and all we have to do is respect them, and our co-residents.
But we don't, or some of us don't, harming everyone in the process. I'm not concerned about spurious etiquette here or funny little middle class rules of life, but actual day to day behaviour. The people who are not prepared to respect others or refuse to understand that their freedom ends where the next person's begins behave appallingly in my book and should be shamed and shunned.
One of the most frustrating things is coming up against or consorting with stupid people, who are either intellectually lazy or deficient - when God (whichever one you believe in) was raining brainpower they were clutching an umbrella. I know people who seriously tell me - some even brag about it - that they believe the very same things they did in their twenties, now being in their sixties... And their favourite phrase: 'I don't care what you say to me, I will not change my mind'...ugh!
Bad drivers/riders/cyclists
Everyday life is short and full of danger, so it is incumbent upon us to try and minimise the risks when we take part in activities that could cause harm to others. Driving carelessly is terrible, riding a motorbike without paying attention is dangerous to self and others, riding a bicycle without respecting the law and being thoughtful is disgraceful and dangerous in the extreme. For some reason there appear to be quite a few cyclists who seem to think that they are above any law that does not suit them, ignoring traffic signals and riding on the pavement... NO!
All drivers/riders/cyclists should respect the safety of others around them, without exception, and observe the rules of the road, and the law.
Should you voice an opinion about something without following current trends, political correctness or just if you happen to have a different viewpoint you will immediately be labelled with the personal form of -ism (-ist), the most common and widely used of which is sexist, closely followed by racist and fascist; you are then attacked, usually only verbally, on the basis of that label. I detest this process, which seeks to circumvent reasoned dialogue and replace it with hurled 'beliefs' and accusations. In this way we replace the need to think with barracking and colour discussions with negativity, most often where there should be none.
And please, before you start labelling me, I also detest any attempt to classify/judge/value people based on race, gender, colour, religion or ethnicity.
Since I was a little boy (don't think about it, lost in the mists of time...) I have hated the smell of cigarette smoke of any kind, how it lingers in the air making it harder to breathe, how it permeates clothing, furnishing fabrics, even human hair. And the smell of dead cigarettes...ugh! If you add to that the effect on a smoker's health it is incredible to me that we still find it socially acceptable, albeit on a diminishing scale. As for the addictive nature of smoking, need I say more?
When I make this point I am often asked about cigars or pipes, and the fact that their smoke is far more aromatic and interesting to the senses. While I do not disagree with the basic premise I still find their smoke offensive, overpowering and worse for permeating everything than cigarettes.
Addiction of any kind
Many years ago I consciously decided that I would never allow myself to be addicted to anything. I view enjoyment, even to excess sometimes, as acceptable; dependency on the other hand I abhor and cannot accept for myself in any way, shape or form. There are many things in life that I enjoy greatly - well, wine for a start - but I can live without them if I have to, so deplore the inability of some people to rid themselves of one addiction or other, be it smoking, soft drinks, alcohol, illegal drugs or anything else.
There is a theory that there is an 'addictive gene', so that we are born to do certain things and have little control over our behaviour if we are born with it. While that may be so, I feel that a lot of addictive behaviour comes down to habit, routine, pursuit of pleasure; we are then seized by certain active ingredients in things that take control out of our hands.
Please, if you are an addict of anything - yes, even chocolate - rest control back before it's too late!
Pushy people
I grew up in a household where being pushy was regarded as almost a crime, so I view worthless self-promoters as pests or vermin and detest the way they manoeuvre constantly to gain some advantage, not due to their abilities but through intrigue. People with ability should be promoted and feted, their qualities recognised, admired, utilised and, if possible, rewarded appropriately. Snake oil salesmen should be 'tarred and feathered', then 'driven out of town'.
Thanks to self-promotion, today every Tom, Donald and Harriet is a star... Please! Ugh!
And now that I've stopped complaining for the time being, here's something to improve your mood: an image from a good friend, the distinguished painter Kyriakos Lazarides!
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