We don't have far to look today to spot someone of monumental stupidity posing as a real person, one with brains and a grip on reality; the main person I have in mind shall, for now, be nameless - his stupidity is unconventional, after all - though you will doubtless understand when I say that he possesses an unconventional and rather ridiculous looking head of hair. The fact that he can see his reflection in the mirror every morning and think he looks good, or even passable, surely attests to his diminished powers in the brain department. That he declares himself to anyone who will listen to be a genius is further testament of his stupidity.
Alas he is not alone, with plenty of other idiotic creatures vying for attention with pronouncements of either incredible vapidity or utterings so pathetically blinkered, biased and unrealistic as to be beneath contempt. Yet these braying pygmies are attempting to form the mainstream and dominate public opinion, going way beyond political correctness and any form of common sense into a dictatorial effort of enforcing what is permissible and allowable; thankfully these creatures are not united but at war with each other - and everyone else as well!
Here are my favourite examples of breathtaking 'thought' for today:
1. People who see nature as a lovely, friendly, cuddly play-pen where every animal leads a long, happy life, unthreatened by other creatures. These people then take it further, viewing humans who kill animals in order to eat them as criminals and murderers.
Well that's nice, isn't it? Do you think these people have ever experienced nature in action? Have they even watched a nature documentary to see how brutal nature actually is, with species feeding on each other irrespective of any sensitivities? Have they watched the glorious Blue Planet or Blue Planet 2? If they have and still believe their stuff they are amazingly stupid or witlessly blind, or both.
Let's get real - the natural world is a brutal place, where survival is not assured however cute and cuddly animals look - and that includes humans, by the way.
What anybody with any brains should be fighting for is for animals to be looked after properly, to do away with cruel animal husbandry in every phase from birth to the end of their lives, whether it comes peacefully or at the hands (paws?) of another creature. Ban battery farming, ban nasty transportation practices, ban any gratuitous cruelty to animals - and prosecute perpetrators severely. But neither is nature exclusively vegan or vegetarian nor do we know whether plants experience feelings of loss and pain; not eating meat is a personal choice, one that anybody is entitled to make, but it is NOT a moral statement to be forced on others.
2. People who believe that being a homosexual is 'normal' wilfully misunderstand the term normal - the usual form, typical, average, the rule - when, if that were so, there could be no human species, as homosexuals cannot breed 'normally'. It is, in fact, an exception, and perfectly acceptable for being such,. Homosexuals of any kind should have all the rights of their fellow human beings, as well as the right to love whomever they choose.
We should be free to love who and how we want in this life, assuming they also love us and within the limits of the law and common decency, and respect the differences that exist in our species - your freedom should not impinge on mine, and vice-versa. It is not up to me, or anyone else for that matter, to shape others' love life whether I agree with them or not, and it should not affect their rights as human beings and members of society. Their rights, however, do not include creating a new 'reality' because it is so desired - nature decrees that two men or two women cannot 'normally' have a child together but need the assistance of science and a third person from the opposite sex. That's just how it is.
3. The theory that the way to stop children from getting killed by gun-toting other children - or anyone else for that matter - at schools (primarily but not exclusively in the United States of America) is to arm the teachers is preposterously, criminally idiotic and may lead to schools becoming versions of the O.K. Corral. Clearly anyone intent on causing mayhem in a classroom would start by attempting to kill the armed teacher and then try to move on to the pupils. With this in mind, then, the clever solution would be to arm all the pupils as well... If that proves to be insufficient, why not then arm the cleaners, caretakers etc. also? That'l take care of things, won't it?
Anybody who fails to see the absurdity of this argument must be unable to function using reason and should not be taken seriously, even if they happen to be occupying some high office of state or have exceptionally high IQ scores.
4. The 'Sultan' of a nearly Middle Eastern country recently looked upon a group of islands, forming part of a neighbouring state for the last hundred years or more according to international law, and declared that 'as they were once ours, we have a claim on them!' Oh really, your Majesty, how does that work, pray tell? The Mongols at some point, however briefly, held territories from the steppes of Asia to Eastern Europe, should we expect them to now claim these? What about all the other now extinct empires, your Eminence? Who should claim what, in your majestically humble opinion?
These odious 'dishpots' (thank you, P.G. Wodehouse, the master!) are crawling out of the woodwork intent on causing trouble around the globe with their stupid ambition and willing to send masses of innocent people to their graves.
They should be a dying breed, these rulers vying to become international criminals, not 'respected' leaders of state, but somehow they survive.
Ooof, enough for now. I loathe stupidity at all levels and nothing more than the stupidity of heads of state; I do like black, though.