Thursday 19 July 2018

In awe of a stable genius...

Not long ago a certain character appeared on the stage of world politics with a bang, becoming leader of a country important in world terms, despite having one of the most ridiculous hairstyle seen outside a circus (on clowns, if you're wondering), a peculiar orange tan and a brand of hate-filled rhetoric. On the way to straddling the world stage this man proclaimed that he is very smart, a genius, a very stable genius in fact, unaware of the irony involved in self-proclamations of that sort. The funny thing is, though, that no-one outside his immediate family and various toadies has ventured forth to back him up - no former colleagues, fellow businessmen, nobody!

Despite this my admiration for this unique creature is immense, because he is truly a world-class figure at least in terms of self-belief, self-promotion and bullying behaviour. He appears to me to be, admirably, a direct descendant in political terms of the snake oil salesmen of the old Wild West, as he seems to be able to convince his fan base (and himself!) that anything he says is true even when their is ample evidence to the contrary. The man is just amazing, with an eloquence so powerful that his words change shape and form, even after they've become public property, and their meaning is so flexible as to be practically fluid.  And as he uses many words, and often, he produces veritable symphonies thrilling to the eyes and ears, created in his own unique way, the Beethoven of politics.

My admiration hardly stops there, for here we have a man capable of seeing the best in everybody, at least I assume so, for surely if he looks at his visage in the mirror and takes it at 'face-value' he must feel revulsion, yet he obviously doesn't; he obviously, starting from himself, sees everyone in a kinder, softer, more forgiving light, accepting of ugliness, frailties and absurdities. After all, anyone who sees oneself in that softer, kinder light must surely be prepared to see others in a similar way, no?

At the end of the day it seems that this is just a gentle, pleasant man hiding behind a mask, who only wants others to be happy - you can read it in his smiley, twinkly eyes, his ready, warm smile - and will stop at nothing to ensure this. What can I say? Are you biased enough to have a different opinion? Of course not, so join me in my unbridled admiration and savour him while he lasts.

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