Wednesday 17 October 2018

Size isn't everything... sometimes!

Two good friends tied the knot today in a civil ceremony after many years of living together, in a move that is more about the practicalities of life than about 'cementing' their relationship. They are both in their mid-sixties and retired, so they are not about to start a family, and are not, as far as I can tell, about to go in for adoption.

For them, tying the knot was about securing their civil rights as a couple, ensuring that they could look after one another should they be hit by illness and keeping each other's pension out of the hands of the greedy state should one of them kick the bucket prematurely. Nevertheless they are in it for the long haul and their bickering is always about silly, trivial matters, never important stuff, so this was not only a practical but a happy occasion as well.

As the groom is one of my oldest friends - fifty six years and counting - I was asked to be one of the witnesses, a new experience for me and not entirely unenjoyable, especially as the lady officiating (some kind of deputy mayor, I believe) was pleasant and attractive if rather optimistic - her line about children, adopted or otherwise acquired, raised a smile from the soon-to-be newlyweds! Our small group chuckled along, then we headed downstairs to the 'garden' of the building to open our bottle of fizz, bought with no thought for cost, by yours truly.

And this is where size comes into it: despite the fact that I, as you well know dear reader, am a dedicated worshipper of Dionysos and his gifts, the newlyweds are not, so I had to find a way to mark the occasion traditionally and inject a bit of fun without wasting something yummy and precious. Then the solution presented itself  (a miniature bottle of Prosecco, the mobile phone next to it in the photograph is an old iphone 4 there for size comparison) and it was perfect - we all managed a swig each without straining ourselves in any way and yes, it was palatable - and we had a bit of a laugh at the same time. Dionysos may have been disappointed, but then again he wasn't invited.

On this occasion size didn't matter, though I am advised that this is not always the case in life.

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