And, as in any break-up, I'm in mourning for myself and my loss of convenience, of amenity, of pleasure... ah, all the sheer pleasure I am about to miss out on! Dear reader, you who have read my post on Redd will know how good their coffee is, and remember its single biggest drawback - that other coffees taste rather flat and ordinary by comparison. In my enforced exile from London I have at least had the consolation of an excellent cup of coffee or three at Redd on most days, indeed I've enjoyed coffee better than almost any coffee to be found in London. Now this is all coming to an end.
Redd coffee is walking out on me and starting afresh with someone new - in fact, with many new 'others' - and it is a cruel blow indeed. Yet I am blameless! And don't we all think/say that when love affairs come to unhappy ends?
I will follow Redd to their new destination, spy on them as they create new relationships with new people while silently crying inside. If I can - and it's a very big if - I may even attempt to rebuild our relationship from a distance, to see whether it can be made to work again like before....
You may not hold much hope for me, but what else can I do? Can a love affair be allowed to fizzle out so cruelly? I think not.
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