Thursday 8 August 2019

Go on, annoy me!

This is a bit of a rant, so those of you with a sensitive nature should stop reading now. As for the rest, whether you enjoy or vehemently disagree write in and tell me - or forever hold something or other.

As you probably appreciate by now, dear regular reader, I am blessed with an excitable nature, one that is easily upset; where I go, explosions sometimes follow! But don't get the idea that I'm some kind of maniac who gets pleasure out of getting upset for little reason; on the contrary, I like an equitable, easy life and get annoyed when things are wrong. Yes, chums, but according to my way of thinking my opinions and values have been finely honed over the years to a peak of perfection and I will not have them trampled on by any Tom, Dick or Harriet. Indeed anyone who tries will most certainly be on the receiving end of my appreciation, or should I say lack thereof.

Some of you may know me and some of you may think you know me, and that's fine. Quite frankly whether you approve of me or not is none of my business and makes little difference to me. What I find totally unacceptable is when anyone - and I mean absolutely anyone - decides to stake some sort of ownership on my life and how it is run, my opinions, my friendships, my passions, my time. You, whoever you are, do not have permission and, indeed, you never will. You may not do so.

Don't misunderstand me; challengers are welcome, as is criticism. Feel free to challenge me but I demand you do it properly - do your homework, think things through and be prepared to discuss properly what you want to talk about. Do not assume, whoever you may be, that your opinion alone carries any weight as far as I'm concerned if it cannot be backed by intelligent thinking and/or facts - I could not care less about what you keep in your head.

You may call me difficult or anything else you choose under the sun, even testing the depth of your vocabulary, and it still leaves me unmoved. Bring me thought, intelligence, depth and, however you choose to approach your subject, I will be happy to try to engage with you; I am not prepared to waste my time with intellectually lazy people, though, no, no time at all. Life without proper thinking is anathema to me, which is why I despise all those weaselly leftists still wedded to Mao or Stalin, and equally the execrably stupid extreme right wingers who feel Adolf and his boys were just misunderstood and we'd see they were right all along if only we looked carefully.

Read up, you miserable specimens, think and understand before opening your mouths and taking a stance. No, not selectively to support your pathetic points, properly, widely, dare I say objectively, and stop living in a make-believe world of ignorance and stupidity.

Non-thinkers piss me off, period.

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