It is amazing to watch the person in charge if the affairs of the most powerful country in the world, a person whose decisions affect more or less all of us, and to realise he is completely ignorant of people, of world affairs, of anything other than money and his own self-importance.
A couple of days ago, following the outcry of his sudden decision to let Turkey invade Northern Syria and establish a 'safe zone' - for whom, one wonders - which went against his country's policy up to that moment, he issued a ridiculous statement. In this statement he warned Turkey that if they did anything which, in his great and unmatched wisdom he didn't agree with (phrased only slightly differently), he would destroy their economy as he had done before. shock and awe. He understands that part of the world so little so as to assume that his statement meant anything to anybody; alas Turkey has now launched a full scale attack on the Kurds residing in the desired area.
It is impossible to explain the folly of this man's actions, his ignorance, his disinclination to listen to experienced advisors and international relations specialists, the destruction he is wreaking with his 'money is everything' way of operating - I decline to call it a philosophy - and his leading by social media. Now if the USA needs to intervene in Syria it will cost a hell of a lot more not only in lives lost but lots of his favourite cash as well, with the Turks also against him - they will be bemused as to how he gives them the green light one day, then attacks them the next. Statements, such as the unmatched wisdom gem he made the other day, are widely disregarded as empty words in these situations - they are most certainly not taken as statements of intent.
It is being said that his cosying up to the Turks is because of a Trump Towers building project in Istanbul, but I cannot believe that even he can be as corrupt as that. Should anything like that be proven he would deserve not only impeachment but a long prison sentence as well; I hope for America's sake this is not the case, that all this is down to ignorance and stupidity, but nothing would surprise me.
His idiocy, though, is truly unmatched and unstoppable: recently he made a pooh-poohing statement about the Kurds, implying that they fought with the US and their allies against IS to protect there own lands, so only for self interest, and said 'They didn't help us in the Second World War'. Well Mr. Genius, guess who else didn't - yes, your friends the Turks, who were fighting on the side of the Axis powers...
Everything for this man seems to come down to whim, or dollars and cents now. There is no sense of the long term, no sense of honour, no sense of obligation - and he is the most powerful man in the world, supposedly. Wow!
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