Since the outbreak has started I have been more or less confined to Athens (Greece, you silly sausage, not Ohio, Georgia or anywhere else, thankfully given the Covid-19 events in the USA) and environs, witnessing the shutting down of most social life all around me as the government tries to halt the march of Covid-19. Boredom is a major factor in the life of people here, people who are normally used to going out most of the time, whether to cafes in the morning, restaurants of one description or other later and bars at the end of most days. This is a society where, generally, staying in is not the norm and is often rather frowned upon; even in the days of deep financial crisis people found a few pennies and went out, to cheap souvlaki places and rather basic tavernas, maybe, but out nevertheless.

Yet the rebellious Greeks have largely complied with their Government's policy and requests, largely out of fear I think, making the country a bit of a star in the way it has handled this not only on a European but a Worldwide basis - Greek casualties directly attributable to Covid-19 have only recently passed the one hundred mark, with the thing seemingly under control. For once the 'naughty child' is setting a good example for others, something I find very satisfying.
As you've gathered by now, dear reader, this is nothing like a diary - I've never kept one in my life, actually - but more of an essay, an analysis without much detail, a descriptive, low-key rant. Fear not, for what follows is the real thing, descriptive, tight, expressive:
I wake up late with little to do other than eat some oranges for, I suppose, brunch.
Do little other than wade through emails and catch up on news on the computer, especially on the international activities of the coronavirus.

Eat something,
More computer stuff, applying to the odd job, or newspaper/sudoku/crossword.
Eat again.
Drink some wine.
Eat some more.
Drink some more.
Watch some television.
Go to bed, read or do puzzles, then sleep.
Get up the next day and repeat.

Ooof! It's enough to make me write a proper diary...

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