Well, what can I, what can anyone, indeed, say about the person 'leading' the Free World, the current President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump? And, furthermore, what can anyone say of his supporters, the people who even now refuse to face facts while their country is being ravaged by an epidemic that had been signposted months ago. The United States of America is fast becoming a bad, bad joke, killing its people and undermining its world status.
Let me make some things clear so I am not misunderstood: I am - and always have been - an Americanophile, having lived in the States in the early 1960s and gone to first grade in an American school. Furthermore, a lot of my schooling has been spent in American or American-related institutions, where I have been able to appreciate many great things to do with American culture - yes, fellow euro-snobs, there is such a thing, albeit much younger than most of ours. And I have had both American relatives and friends, all wonderful people who have enriched my life considerably, many of whom are no longer with us. My criticism of this often wonderful country and its equally often wonderful people stems from the facts, untainted by political bias - I am not, have never been and never will be a socialist, left leaning or a communist - and coloured only by disappointment.
American Presidents used to be educated, well-spoken, worldly figures who by and large grasped that the US had a role to play in the world due to its size, military might and commercial power and aspirations, a de facto major world power on the side of freedom (free trade especially) and democracy. At times their behaviour was less than laudable both as individuals and as statesmen, often allowing their country to indulge in despicable, even criminal, behaviour by interfering in the politics of other countries sometimes for political (usually anti-communist in the Cold War era) or economic reasons, occasionally both. Their intentions were not always - but sometimes were - altruistic, even when expanding or reinforcing their sphere of influence.
Today, led (I use the term loosely) by a man who is ignorant of world history, doesn't listen to advisors/briefings/specialists and gets his world views solely from watching his favourite TV channels, America is becoming not only a laughing stock but an enemy to all and sundry. A spoiled, selfish and self-absorbed man, he is passing his code of conduct on to 'his' nation, making it behave like a bully. Yet such seems to be the ignorance and/or moral bankruptcy of his supporters that he is admired for things that leave the rest of the world shaking their heads in disbelief and, like me, in disappointment. And everyone daring to criticise or speak a word against him is labelled a liar (Ha!), a lefty, a hoaxer, a fraud...
In this Covid-19 crisis President Trump has shown the extent of his ignorance, indecision and inability to listen to experts and comprehend facts, especially if these facts are not convenient for him and his interests. This will result in a significant number of American lives being lost as a direct consequence, maybe even tens of thousands, yet his adoring fans still applaud him and his lies - and it is not inconceivable that he could win the next election. It is truly unbelievable and extremely dangerous to the USA, to its people, to the rest of the world and americanophiles like me.
But perhaps sanity will eventually prevail. What do you think, dear reader?
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