Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Oooops! I can't please everyone...

My latest post has raised a few eyebrows and spawned a few comments, not least from the chef in question, who was not best pleased when I said that her dishes did not major on being 'art on a plate' but rather at being delicious to eat. She took it as criticism of the way her food looked on a plate and sent me this photograph of the scallop dish I had on Saturday before my cutlery dismantled it and left
it looking less elegant. My poor photograph showed one bedraggled scallop left on a well-appreciated plate waiting like its siblings to be devoured by greedy old me; to me it looked the way wonderful food is supposed to look. I do, of course, accept that the untouched plate looks beautiful but to my silly mind it still looks like 'real' food waiting to be enjoyed and not what I consider the beautiful but pointless 'art on a plate' dishes.

My posts are not written to please anyone but myself, I hasten to add, though I'm delighted if you find them interesting. If I praise/criticise someone or something it isn't to anyone's specification and, of course, they - and you - are entitled to disagree and debate. What you are most certainly not entitled to do is to expect me to write what you want the way that you want it - please do not hold your breath because that is never going to happen!

The wonderful chef is not alone in correcting me. Here is a short list:

1. Merv made it very clear that he does not consider me to be a little piglet; rather, he feels I am a full-size great big pig...
2. Someone pointed out that I moan too much and should be happier - nobody wants to get all sad reading about my trivial little problems.
3. A well-meaning (I think) individual pointed out that the title of my blog is meaningless, as there is precious little wine and hardly any wisdom anywhere within, an offence under the trade descriptions act.
4. There are not enough photographs.
5. There are too many photographs, and most are unclear and of poor quality.

Not to worry! Win some, lose some, annoy even more...

But should even few of my subjects touch a nerve, make you think, agree or disagree, I will have succeeded. And feel free to write in and tell me about it.

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