Many of you will have witnessed through the magic of the world's media the tragic events that occurred recently in my - in many ways beloved - country of birth, Greece, and may even have wondered how these things could happen in a modern 'western' country. We are constantly bombarded with tragic events from all over the world, so they do not necessarily come as a surpriser a shock, but nevertheless the recent Greek events are not entirely 'run-of-the-mill' disaster fodder. You may also wish to argue whether Greece can and should be classified as a modern 'western' country, or if it is, in fact, closer to the Middle East or Africa in the way that it operates, but this is a different discussion, for another day.
Let me try to explain why and please bear with me if this gets a bit complicated. In a recent post but taking inspiration from a simple retail receipt I wrote that Greece must simplify or die; tragically these events fall into this category though I was not talking about deaths of individuals but was referring to an economic death, something Greece has been in the throes of for about a decade, if not longer. I was not expecting something like the events that unfolded, which were unexpected and very painful, as many people have lost their lives due, in large part, to the labyrinthine ways of the Greek state, as accepted and endorsed by the majority of society there. Oh, I know that people will now be coming out of the woodwork, tearing their hair out and declaring to all and sundry how they truly opposed whatever will be deemed to have been at fault, but they all (most?) were silent until tragedy struck, silent while the going was good.
Successive Greek governments not only failed to create and support a robust economy (which, in my opinion, should be based largely on free market principles) and thus have brought on the existing economic catastrophe there, but they also spent most of their time and money 'buying' votes by appeasing sections of society; this was done in large part by allowing people who had systematically broken the law for personal gain, often by building illegally in areas where no building was allowed (such as forestry land), to legalise their assets by paying a fee of sorts to the state. This, I'm afraid, was done by governments on all sides of the political spectrum so they are all culpable.
Where the current Greek government falls down, though, is in its supreme inability to accept operational - thus current - responsibility for failure, their lack of understanding, indeed, of the meaning of responsibility. 80+ deaths within a few miles of Athens (a modern large city and the Capital of Greece) surely cannot be blamed solely on challenging weather conditions, especially as it seems that there was no plan for tackling an emergency of this sort (a major fast-moving fire) or, if there was, it was not put into effect or was ignored. The various departments responsible appear to neither have used the predictive technology at their disposal nor liaised properly with the other such departments involved. Even if the current government had inherited a no-emergency-plans scenario from their predecessors, surely they've been in power long enough to have taken the bull by the horns and rectified - or attempted to rectify - this.
Greece is not a lawless place, though, but a place that has too many laws, most of which are not properly enforced. The snag with this is that - and this can happen at any time - that they can be enforced just as if they have always been, or there may be a way out, usually by currency-stuffed envelope. This, combined with a refusal to plan, or often even to think, ahead makes for a very dysfunctional society, which under normal circumstances can be annoying, tiresome, costly, unpleasant; the complexity of trying to get anything done was behind my seemingly harsh 'Simplify or Die' post This time around alas, due to a combination of things, it has become literally true, a proper tragedy with loads of dead bodies, missing people, massive destruction and a government squirming to avoid any blame!
This is not about politics, though I do despise the current mob's left-wingery and self-proclaimed moral superiority because of it, but about accepting responsibility when things go wrong on your watch. With children it's an essential part of growing up.
Sunday, 29 July 2018
Thursday, 19 July 2018
In awe of a stable genius...
Not long ago a certain character appeared on the stage of world politics with a bang, becoming leader of a country important in world terms, despite having one of the most ridiculous hairstyle seen outside a circus (on clowns, if you're wondering), a peculiar orange tan and a brand of hate-filled rhetoric. On the way to straddling the world stage this man proclaimed that he is very smart, a genius, a very stable genius in fact, unaware of the irony involved in self-proclamations of that sort. The funny thing is, though, that no-one outside his immediate family and various toadies has ventured forth to back him up - no former colleagues, fellow businessmen, nobody!
Despite this my admiration for this unique creature is immense, because he is truly a world-class figure at least in terms of self-belief, self-promotion and bullying behaviour. He appears to me to be, admirably, a direct descendant in political terms of the snake oil salesmen of the old Wild West, as he seems to be able to convince his fan base (and himself!) that anything he says is true even when their is ample evidence to the contrary. The man is just amazing, with an eloquence so powerful that his words change shape and form, even after they've become public property, and their meaning is so flexible as to be practically fluid. And as he uses many words, and often, he produces veritable symphonies thrilling to the eyes and ears, created in his own unique way, the Beethoven of politics.
My admiration hardly stops there, for here we have a man capable of seeing the best in everybody, at least I assume so, for surely if he looks at his visage in the mirror and takes it at 'face-value' he must feel revulsion, yet he obviously doesn't; he obviously, starting from himself, sees everyone in a kinder, softer, more forgiving light, accepting of ugliness, frailties and absurdities. After all, anyone who sees oneself in that softer, kinder light must surely be prepared to see others in a similar way, no?
At the end of the day it seems that this is just a gentle, pleasant man hiding behind a mask, who only wants others to be happy - you can read it in his smiley, twinkly eyes, his ready, warm smile - and will stop at nothing to ensure this. What can I say? Are you biased enough to have a different opinion? Of course not, so join me in my unbridled admiration and savour him while he lasts.
Despite this my admiration for this unique creature is immense, because he is truly a world-class figure at least in terms of self-belief, self-promotion and bullying behaviour. He appears to me to be, admirably, a direct descendant in political terms of the snake oil salesmen of the old Wild West, as he seems to be able to convince his fan base (and himself!) that anything he says is true even when their is ample evidence to the contrary. The man is just amazing, with an eloquence so powerful that his words change shape and form, even after they've become public property, and their meaning is so flexible as to be practically fluid. And as he uses many words, and often, he produces veritable symphonies thrilling to the eyes and ears, created in his own unique way, the Beethoven of politics.
My admiration hardly stops there, for here we have a man capable of seeing the best in everybody, at least I assume so, for surely if he looks at his visage in the mirror and takes it at 'face-value' he must feel revulsion, yet he obviously doesn't; he obviously, starting from himself, sees everyone in a kinder, softer, more forgiving light, accepting of ugliness, frailties and absurdities. After all, anyone who sees oneself in that softer, kinder light must surely be prepared to see others in a similar way, no?
At the end of the day it seems that this is just a gentle, pleasant man hiding behind a mask, who only wants others to be happy - you can read it in his smiley, twinkly eyes, his ready, warm smile - and will stop at nothing to ensure this. What can I say? Are you biased enough to have a different opinion? Of course not, so join me in my unbridled admiration and savour him while he lasts.
Saturday, 7 July 2018
A relaxed Friday afternoon in South London
J is a wine trade friend and, unlike me, he is still active in the trade on a day-to-day basis running his own successful business partly advising, partly importing and distributing wine to anyone discerning enough and with the requisite liquidity (ha-ha). He is very good at what he does, knowledgeable, informed and open-minded in his approach, seeking out interesting wines for his diverse, thirsty clientele. I have known him for many years (about 30!), since we were both establishing ourselves in the trade, and we have been friends for rather a long portion of that time. Our lunches have been known to be long-lasting, highly interesting and entertaining, VERY liquid and with the drink consumed always being of decent/good, even great quality befitting our background, interests and expertise, so why should this one be an exception?
The initial plan had been for a restaurant lunch, which would have been fun, but J had to be at home to look after their dog, and this ended up being better in so many ways. For one we were, at least partly, in the company of his lovely wife, whom I had not seen for ages, but also we were able to be far more relaxed dress-wise, both indeed attired in shorts and polo shirts in response to the heat. Furthermore, entertaining at home results in far more modest costs for all concerned and a bigger and better choice of wine.
A glass of chilled rose from Provence was thrust into my eager hand on arrival, and it was everything that wines of this type should be - juicy, bone dry with an undercurrent of strawberry fruit, subtle yet obvious, and a great drink for summer either as an aperitif or with food. Rose wines had been unfashionable for a great many years, but thankfully this is no longer the case, so there is a good variety available on the market. This example (Chateau Trians 2017) is of the lighter-in-colour, stylish but with plenty of taste, versions, modern and clean, delightful served cold in hot weather, this is miles away from the cheap, nasty off-dry stuff available at the lower end of the market. What can I say, I'm a fan of rose wines and I certainly enjoyed this one.
A white wine from Italy followed, Roero Arneis Daivej from the Deltetto family, clean and typical, a round mouthful which works well with food, but is able to stand on its own as well, ever so gluggable if slightly unremarkable, this disappeared quite quickly with our starter. A versatile little number that I'm sure you would have enjoyed, dear reader, if only you had been invited...
Good Chianti is a joy to drink (the cheap stuff generally is not, lacking fruit and balance) and ages very well, with this a fairly young example just shaking off the firmness of youth and showing its typicality, with a hint of woodiness. Sangiovese is lighter in colour, less dense and purple, than Nebbiolo and less powerful; this example was youthful with a hint of awkwardness, plenty of ripe fruit and the class so lacking in run-of-the-mill Chiantis.
Sauternes is one of the great wines of the world, under-appreciated like many sweet wines as our ignorance rules our palate and fashion. Chateau Rieussec is one of the major properties of the region, with the Grand Vin a regular super star. Having never before tried their second wine - Carmes de Rieussec - the example before us from the excellent 2009 vintage was everything a Sauternes should be: bursting with complex white fruit flavours, layered gentle honey sweetness and incredible length, not far off their top stuff. If I had to choose a high point this would have been it, a sublime way to end a meal.
By now you are shaking your heads in disapproval at our indulgence and good fortune. I too was shaking my head, but in wonder at my great good fortune, in wonder at the generosity of my kind friends, in wonder at my capacity for discovering ever-changing enjoyment from the varied aromas, tastes and textures of wine. Yes, I'm a lucky little bastard, get used to it!
Sunday, 1 July 2018
London's new skyline - striking yes, but beautiful?
The arguments for more and more modern space are well known and well rehearsed; in some instances they are also true. More often than not, though, my belief is that it comes down to numbers and short-term thinking, ignoring the long-term effects which a city will feel long after Mr./Ms Fat Developer will be dead, cremated and forgotten.
Perhaps I am but an old, romantic man unable to process the future as it influences our lives more and more, pining for an idealised past. Even if there were some truth in that it does not invalidate the fact that function is not everything, that beauty is important, that modern is not the whole story - just look at the photograph below!
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